Monday, May 04, 2009

Month of May

Entering into May....
Wow, hasn't time blew us by?

It certainly has.
I'm reaching my "maturity" age in about 7months' time.
Many of you are already there, I know, I still have to get there though.

Many things have been happening.
Some are not to be told, most can be told.
Pst Lucas from Hobart just came up to give a business seminar on Saturday.
It was great. Pastor Don was just like me, a participant in this seminar.
It was weird having Pst Don beside me attending a similar seminar though.

It was a really good seminar.
I wrote about 10 pages of information down.
Haven't really looked at it yet, but I will do it real soon.

Pst Lucas had 3 amazing services with the church yesterday and I went for all 3 of them.
I guess this should be my 2 or 3rd time attending all services apart from when Pst How and Lia were here.
It was certainly good. Pst Lucas blew our mind in the service by moving really strongly in the Holy Spirit. There wasn't much teachings, but a lot of spiritual work is going through.
People were saved... It was a great scene to see more than one person being saved each service.

Today - 4th May - is labour day in Australia.
I'm heading over to Josh and Kate's tonight and they're going to cook me dinner.
Woohoo. Ha ha.
Excited about that.
Till then, see ya!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....