Sunday, May 31, 2009

Halfway through the year

Half the year has just gone by!!
What a year it has been for myself.

The highlight of the year would have been late March, when Pastors, Jon, Dom and Rinnah visited me (:.
Apart from that, I am extremely happy that I have met a couple, actually more than just a couple of good friends here.

God has been a gracious God!
Ha ha. Church was good.
The Novembers and the Decembers are really good.
If one is not on-fire at that period of time, then you must have connected to the wrong wire.
However, there's also the May, June and July. Months where there's not much hype in themselves!
This is when our faith is tested.
Do you give yourself an excuse to miss a couple of service or two just because the hype isn't really there.
However, there isn't an ordinary weekend in HoGC.
That's why our attendance isn't ordianry.
Extraordinary Weekends are the "ordinary" in our church.

Ha ha. Yeah... Kicking into ma work...
My Game Theory Lecturer and Tutor (Also my first year Principles' Tutor) is a great person.
Mind you, he hailed from the amazingly small Island called Mauritius. Came to Singapore as a scholar and scored every As he could in the A'level System (Including GP which he got an A1 - He adds that GP was the hardest amongst all). He is now a Doctor at the age of 28. He actually had that title a couple of years ago. Hanging around big people makes you feel that being ordinary is unacceptable. Anything less than Extraordinary effort is mediocrity.

I know at the end of the day it's not about how much we earn, nor how many titles we have in our resume portfolio. However, since we're at it, why not get the best out of what we have rather than aiming for a "pass" in whatever we do.

Week 3 is coming up!!!
Gonna own this week (:
Like Never before.
Ha ha!

Bryan Yee....XX

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