Monday, June 02, 2008


It rained non-stop today....
Someone must be praying for rain!!

Got drench when I reach Uni, that's alright...
I had to queue for Palaver tickets anyway. So my bag can stay dry....

Skipped Business Law lecture in the morning due to crazy rain..
I was about to step out of the house and the rain told me not to. Whahaha.. I know it sounded exaggerating, but I am very serious. The rain was so crazily heavy (already 1hr into lecture).

Lol. Heard from people that the lecture wasn't that good anyway. Yeah. We can study those Law stuff on ourselves anyway. Tutorial was pretty fruitful. I really hope to get at least 15 for my participation. That's not even a HD grade, but then that's the minimum I hope for.

Went to the gym to pump some Iron today. It was pretty crowded and I hate crowded gym! Worked out for close to one hour and off I went for my lunch... Chill out a bit and read a travel magazine. Montenegro (In Europe) is a very good place for honeymoon, ha ha. Lol. So potential couples, check that out! But I'm not sure about the language that they speak there.

Went to Heng's place and played cards... Ha ha. The sky turned dark at 5.15p.m. and I was like wow! Lol. Cycled home and was badly drench on my way back home. But I was enjoying being drench. It was so fun and I was just singing along with the tunes of my ipod. Sick as I might sound, that's what I pretty much enjoy. Ha ha. Rushed to the bathroom when I reach home and took a hot shower!

That's pretty much my day.

More later on.


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