Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Semester 2 is coming to a close.
I reckon my time at Bond will be filled with great memories after Sept 09.

I've already enrolled for my subjects in semester 3.
Business Law, Finance (Fundamentals), Cultural and Ethical Values... and one more subject that they didn't allow me to enrol in!
I have much more to study in the next semester.

Much much more.
However, I'm really looking forward to next semesters as there are less maths.

And and and... I'll be heading to Melbourne just before the commencement of my next semester.
I heard from Sharon that their shopping is crazy. Like it was SO big that it deterred her from doing any shopping. They just have this whole floor of men's and women's shoes. Imagineeeeeee.

Spent quite a fair amount of time doing research yesterday and booked our accommodation. All went well.

My presentation is coming up in 1half hours. Although I'm not speaking (Which I gladly would), I still have to know all our materials as questions would be directed at all of us.

Bryan Yeeeeee

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