Sunday, March 16, 2008

Amazing week

This has been a crazy week for me.

I was completely flat out at yesterday's party, everyone could see that. That's the effect of sleeping less than two hours the day before. I went to Uni and had dota with the lads. Wow. keep getting owned (For sure). Lol. These guys have played dota way before I even know dota existed. Yeah. Ha ha. I'm pretty sure I was a liability in any team. Well. It's just a game after all. It's my second time playing lan with anyone and it's fun.

I had a chat with Ben on Friday night. It was one of those talk that really brings you to a whole new level. We shared, talked over an amazing meal that we had. That's definitely the highlight of the week.

I brought back a few thoughts and I'm just gonna pen them down on my multi-purpose book. Yess. A lot of things actually happened this week. But it's about looking at the big picture at the end of the day. I can't wait for exams to come... Heh. That's all.


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