Saturday, November 10, 2007


It was a great deal of training today.

Cycled to school to have lunch with Felix.
Afterwhich, we did shootarounds, then played 2 games.

Went to gym after that 2 games. Gym was intensed today. Tried most stuff today. After that, I went to play basketball again. Won every game, even though my team wasn't the strongest at times.

I only pull out of the game due to muscle problem - I guess I have overworked today. I was in pain at the beginning of the full court game at first, but decided to carry on. My left leg gave way in one of the possession and I just had to pull out.

Rested 15mins before I cycled home, on gear 4, which is pretty low, as I do gear 6 most of the time. Watched Cold Mountain halfway and I really couldn't take it anymore. I rushed to the bed and SLEEP. Ha ha.

Pretty much all.

The book of Job depicts us, humans! The complaining humans at first, but Job did one amazing stuff at the end of the chapter (which is also the longest time period). He prayed for those 'friends' that had accused him of sinning at first (Something he didn't do). God restored everything back to him, twofold. Admist all circumstances, he is still found in the house of the Lord (Modern day context). That's a great man to follow. I guess that is why he has 42 chapters under his name.

Bryan Yee....XX

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