Monday, November 12, 2007

Great start to a week

I woke up at 5.30a.m. this morning and the first thing I did was to.. pray.

My day went really well. Everyone was dozing off in the IT lecture (First lecture of the day at 8.ooa.m.), but I was just so attentive, copying down every important thing that was in the lecture. Let's start our day with a short 15 mins prayer. It will be awesome.

I had church on Sunday and we had 2 power packed service in the morning by Shuan and at night by Pst Don. It was just awesome. I love going to church. It's like... I can't wait for the weekends to come. I miss the weekends you know.

This is the commencement of week 10, so it means that in 4 weeks' time, School's gonna be over. Double yeah!

I feel so attached to Aussie and Kinda like it here. Lol. I'm not sure.

Heee. School has just been awesome.
It's great receiving emails from Pastors. Heh.

It has been a great 2007 for me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[QUOTE]I feel so attached to Aussie and Kinda like it here.[/UNQUOTE]

Told you! You will love Aussie. We will visit you during CNY! Just for you! :) Can't wait to see you.