Wednesday, April 25, 2007


What is trust?
I believe that trust means that you can be vulnerable around the other party.
I know of a few people who trust me very much, and me in them.
Yeah. The world is getting more deceitful and a value like trust is beginning to lose it's value.

Let's be a generation of trusting people!
People are trusting enough to give me their password. That's what I call trust. I mean you do not need to give away passwords, but even if you give these people your passwords, you believe that they will not harm you. Yeah.
It's because of these people, that I begin to really understand the meaning of trust.
There are many of such people in my life. Haha, just look at the people who trust me to contribute to their blog.

I Just talked to Ziheng on the phone and he was impacted. Sometimes, short convos are needed to build one up!
We also need some close friends at peer level to give our trust to. We certainly need! Haha.
If not, my life would have been crap! Yeah
But most importantly, we need God.

Any thoughts and ideas?


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