Saturday, April 14, 2007

The art of Driving

13/Apr -

Watched L.A. vs L.A. in the morning. It was extremely painful to watch my favourite team giving up easy shots. Lakers!! When can you wake up? I am an avid fan, so I hit my sofa whenever they give up easy points. I feel like killing every Laker player barring Kobe. And even he deserves to be kicked in the last quarter.

After watching that painful game, went to Malaysia to have my driving. It was raining like crazy, cats and dogs cannot described the rain. My shoes were soaked. Luckily, it was a good pair! I was a little late and my instructor was at the place already.

I drove the usual route - Mundane, routine and very tiring. I drove for 3 hours straight non-stop. So people, driving requires a sound mind. My mind was a little tired, but enough to do most things. But my engine still died on a few occasions! I need to sleep well on the day of my test! Haha. My instructor then allowed me to drive to Malaysia custom while he guide me. It was fun, I flirted with the 4th gear as new drivers aren't allowed to use the fourth gear. But the car was a Perodua Kancil, I tried to go beyond 50Km/hr, it just can't.

Human jam at Singapore custom! Haha, after which, I took a cab back home. I was dead tired. I talked to a few people and halfway in MSN, I then dozed off halfway.

Crisitiano Ronaldo signed a new deal that will keep him at OT until 2012! Man Utd has paid a player who not only have skills, but the ability to perform at the top level week-in week-out well!


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