Monday, March 19, 2007

Why Why Why??

Heart of Steel.
Look out for the next big thing that's going to hit the world. It's recession.
Have you ever wonder why we need to build Casinos and resorts in 2009-2010? Why the rush? In 1929, it was the period of great depression. 40 years on (1969), economy of the world was also facing a stagnation or stagflation. 40 years from 1969 (2009), which is in 2 years' time would be the next 40years of cycle.
Everything happens for a reason. Why didn't we build it say 15years ago? Haha. Yeah that is the answer everyone would like to know too. Yeap.
I may not be 100% right, but I believe it has something to do with trend.

The next big thing to look out is on schools teaching BT MICE. To ride the wave of the economy, take BT MICE! Business, Travel, Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions. Paris Graduate School of Management offers that! . If you want to ride the wave, you first got to catch it!


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