Friday, March 16, 2007


It has been a great week for me. I went for driving on Tuesday and I drove for the first time in my life. It was packed with many students on that faithful day.
Haha. My instructor then treated me to a meal after I pass a few of the drills.
My max speed that day was 25Km/h as I'm not allowed to change to a higher gear.

If anyone is looking for a private University to study on BTMICE (Business Travel Meetings Incentives Conventions and Exhibitions), please approach me as I have the best.

I want to build a great church for God. I want to give my best to build God's house. I pray that I will be given more to do. The past will never haunt me as I believe the future is amazing.

Graduates' Gathering is coming up! haha, in a few hours' time! I pray that it will run well.


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