Sunday, September 24, 2006

A's in 40 days and counting

Dost Thou Love Life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin

This may be my second last post until A'levels end.

So what is love, I read a few books and came up with this definition - Love thrives in the face of all life's hazard, save one-neglect.

It's for all of you to find out the meaning of this statement. Yup.

How Saint Patrick's Day came about?
I will abbreviate this story, but be inspired!

Young Patrick had grown up in a Christian home on the west coast of Great Britain. His parents were believers and had done their best their son up in the same spirit. Of course, he did not, he went astray, partying with friends and wasn't an upright man.

One Night, some Irish slave dealers came into his village when his parents were away. What a divine time? These slave dealers chained those of a suitable age and bring them to the boats anchored nearby and shipped them to Ireland to be sold as slaves and killed those who are either too young or too old. Patrick was only 16 then. He reached Ireland and was sold to a farmer as a slave. He was a sheep tender and had to take care of sheep. He thought that he was going to be a slave forever.

Then, he remembered while he was young, he used to get up and pray before dawn. In rain, frost and snow. His relationship with God was strengthened as he prayed daily to the Lord. One day, God spoke to him about a boat to return to his homeland England. God gave him a vision about a boat returning to Britain. He woke up. When the time was right, he travelled about 200 miles by foot to the harbour and true to it, there was a boat to Britain! The ship was actually about to sail and he boarded it. He reached Britain. Then the first night while he was on his parents home, God gave him a dream to return to Ireland, the place where he was sold as slave. In his dream, the people there needed him!

He did not hesistate and went back, he did not went back as a slave this time, but an ambassodor for God. He set tons of people free from physical and spiritual slavery. - The rest is history

He is a great role model, getting out of his comfortzone and just remembering one things - "others". Only others matter to him, nothing else matters more. Hence, he did not have a tug of war with God when God called him. He could have stayed in England and not heed God's word, which would be natural as he would have led an easier and "smooth sailing" life, but he did not. Many people have queries and doubts about God, they try to understand God. The reality is that if God can be understood from inside out, then we should be God instead, isn't this the case? We can know God, but can't really comprehend everything he does, that's for sure! Yeap. We will know him when we believe. And that's the case for Patrick. He knew that God will deliver him. Knew the end result, He has his starting line and ending point drawn, and applying basic Maths of shortest distance, he drew a straight line. The inevitable crooked lines will represent those problems he'd face. He had to challenge druids. In his life, he planted churches and set captives free in his entire life in Ireland.

So on March 17, Many countries commemorates St. Patricks day. Marth 17th was the day he passed away. On top of that, Ireland made St. Patrick's day their National Day, what great honour to a man!

That's all. Hope this is great Haha.


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