Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Untattered & Unbroken

7-0 (Is this scoreline to commemorate C.Ron?)
Commentary: SRJC was beaten upside down bouncing off the ceiling, inside out, stranger to this feeling.
Kat: van Nistelrooy sia, just need to stay upfield, this is the first time I saw a coach scolding a player for defending. Haha.

No link! Haha.
M.R. Tay's QNS: A man with few words = Wise Man. Erm. Discuss?

I feel that wise man are people of few words, because if you are wise you don't talk (Poor Argument, downgrade) Feilo.
How to improve Econs in 10 ten days? I am so afraid that this will be my problems ten days before economics paper! I may be hitting town with branches and sticks during the holidays.
Later I no money, run out of drawing blocks and crayons to draw money.

Army thingy is out. I have to go army from Jan-April. (Miss ME!!) I want to make it to a local U(In SG) Lol. Haha. I've got to destroy Maths and Physics further. Until they are completely suffocated. (Huff and Puff lo)Gp too! Econs ar - Maybe start adding coal to let it burn.

I drank 1L of milk today. Haha, the PE teacher said it was good. Let me advertise for milk la! Haha, don't feel like liao, later I get sued for breaching their rights! The band energy initially has a cow. They milk it everyday and produced a solid milk just like u and I.(Milk).

A1 - Caught in the middle

Things are so different that you're gone
I thought it'll be easy when I was wrong
and now I'm caught
and now I'm caught in the middle!!


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