Sunday, April 09, 2006

Evening with Pastor Sy

My "stomachache" has worsened as each day goes by. After a wonderful session with Pastor Sy Rogers, I went to office too late as my sis and bro-in-law had already left. I went home by 133, direct bus. Then I went to watch a premier League match. I went to see a doctor as soon as my sister came back and found out that my "stomachache" wasn't intestine inflammatory, but it was gastric, which was as serious to me. I have not been revising for the past few days due to the intense pain this gastric has inflicted upon me. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get on track with my revision, think I am quite slow compared to the top 200 students wannabes in SRJC.

Ok!! no dairy products, including chocolate for me for the next few weeks!! Eat healthily --> Yong Tau Foo, who want to accompany me eat??


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