Monday, May 11, 2009

Lester Sumrall

There has never been a book that made me felt like I'm going to change my world apart from this book till date - The Militant Church by Lester Sumrall.

I found this book in the cupboard of the kids' Church. There's this cupboard with a lot of old Christian books dated way back to the 80s. I decided to take a peek at this book which caught my eyes 2 weeks ago. It was so interesting that I immediately read 30+ pages in a short time. But it's not about how fast I read. Such a book can't be read like any other novel. You have to stop and pause while reading it. As for me, I shouted, prayed and just praised the Lord while reading this book. It injected more than just faith and hope into me. It certainly changed the way I pray.

We only have one life.
Let's really make use of this life to not just try out things...
Let's make this life count.
(:. I'm really pumped now.
Well, if you don't know why yet, read the book.
Ha ha. You will feel more than a giant.
You will shout things like "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE", "I'm gonna take this MOUNTAIN"
Nike and Adidas are two great labels with great slogans
Just Do It & Impossible is Nothing.

They might not have the best apparels nor footwear (Someone in that line told me that), but their slogans are very faith-filled and certainly very Christian.

Faith does leak, and I'm not naive to discount this fact. However, just like a leaked water tap, we can get a plumber to solve the problem. Similarly for the supernatural, we can immerse ourselves in faith by reading the Word, prayer... Anything that works. Pipsqueak prayers are not for us. We are to stand up and fight with belligerence, instead of retreating to our minuscule and egotistical world.

Speak to the mountains!

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