Monday, April 06, 2009

Cold Morning

Woke up just quarter to 6....
Checked some results.
And... Man Utd woN!.
I thought they had it easy, but no, they had to had an injury time winner from an 18 year old (Maybe 17 if he hasn't pass his birthday yet).

Everton (My Second fav EPL team) - Which doesn't really mean anything when they face Man Utd, won 4-0 comfortably. I hope they overtake Villa to go fifth, but if they don't, they'll still be in Europe nonetheless.

Corporate Finance LAST exam later on.
Yeah.... Some of the questions I've gone through are just killers.
Took me a while to figure out a lot of stuff.....
Anyway, After today!!! No more Corp classes....(Although there's still a project due next Wed)


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