Monday, December 08, 2008

First movie after exam!- Twilight

Ha ha. Yeah! Booked the tickets today for twilight this coming Thursday which is the opening premiere of twilight - Sweet (:.

I am no fan of reading books like that.
lol. I love reading. But the things I read probably won't interest much people.
Fortune magazine.
Ha ha. Well. The latest Fortune talked about how good google is at internet advertising relative to the rest of the pack. They owned the rest!

Although Microsoft is a financial juggernaut in their own rights, they just could not keep up with google in terms of internet marketing and stuff.
Well. That's just one article out of heaps.

Talks of GM (the death of American dream) hogged the headlines.
In this times, knowing financial stuff like this is fundamentals.
We don't really have to be financial experts, but then keeping ourselves in tune with the world adds another dimension to our competency.

Anyway, my last paper is this Wednesday - Assets and Facilities Manager!
yup. Looking forward to it because it is my last paper!
And fun after which!
Ha ha. Last year, I could start writing Christmas Cards in November (I was really that free). But I couldn't do it this year. Just didn't have the time to!
I haven't even started one yet, although I already have the cards!

Ha ha. 2 more days!
Love it.
Gotta ciao and hide in my books (Or rather just lecture notes!)


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