Saturday, July 26, 2008

Real man? Are you one!?

1) Loyalty
2) Commitment
3) Respect
4) Accountability
5) Family
6) Love
7) Faithfulness - Be faithful.
8) Hard Work - With Excellence.
The bible writes more about laziness than drunkenness.
9) Integrity. You can make a lot of mistakes in life. But be truthful. (Always speak the truth). Build an organisation that can last, build on truthfulness. Always speak the truth.
10) Generosity. Always be a giver, because God is a giver.

Come on... When I heard this from Pastor Tan, I just had to pause it and copy!

The strength of a man:

1) Isn't seen in the width of his shoulders, it is seen in the arms that circles you.

2) Isn't in the deep tone of his voice, it is in the gentle words he whispers.

3) Isn't how many buddies he has, but how good a buddy he is to his children.

4) Isn't in how respected he is at work, but how respected he is at home.

5) Isn't in how hard he hits, but it is in how tender he touches.

6) Isn't in the hair on his chest, it is in the heart that lies beneath his chest.

7) Isn't about how many women he has loved, but it is in how he can be true to one woman.

8) Isn't in the weights he can lift, but it is in the burdens that he can carry.

Wanna be a real man? Real man and Christ-likeness are synonymous.

Hope this has been good for ya!

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