Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday Morning....

I guess I will miss University life when I've graduated.

I'm trying to savour every moment I can while I'm here.
Weekly church service has been awesome.
I was just helping out at kids' church yesterday and everything went really good.

We played hockey with the kids and I joined one of the teams as there were not enough kids.
I didn't show much mercy, of course. Ha ha. They are small and agile, so I'm not walking all over them. It was heaps fun and of course, they were taken into the presence of God since it's Sunday's school. I've never been to Sunday School before and now, I'm taken to Sunday School. It is so fun..... 2 hours passed by so quickly just spending time with them. It was heaps fun.

That's all...
Doing HW now.


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