It was mid-term this week. Studying was required.
I did enjoyed Maths.
but IT (Info-Tech) was so - so. probably I'll get a good credit for that subject.
As for Maths, the right answer is not everything. Ha ha. Yeah. The teacher is really strict with his marking this time round. Not like the background test. Well. I thought I would do an epic. Ha ha, but then, I didn't and I am not at all disappointed. It just tells me that I need to be more qualitative in my answers. But I still did well though. Yeah.
As for IT, I'm not that sure. There's one section that I know I will flatten it (Meaning do very well). There are some sections that I bombed halfway.
Ok. I also had a presentation yesterday and I thought I did well. Ha ha. Yeah, at least in the contents. The teacher told me that my arguments were awesome, my research was given a thumbs up. I spoke too fast in the presentation, I was a little too excited and nervous too, they just co-exist together. I went online and found all the resources I need on Wednesday night and did some last minute research on Thursday morning just to make sure that the content is good. Well, it turned out well but I didn't rehearse! Ha ha.
I also had a panel participation for Marketing. I had 2 questions to answer. For the first question, there wasn't much to say, so I just basically repeated what I said twice! Arh. As for the last question on panel, I was thinking of flattening everything. I used all the economics concept to kill off the marketing question. "If they get the best stores in Surfers' Paradise, this will increase their popularity in the market. Hence, there will be a surge of demand for the goods. This is to make sure that they gain the market share in the industry as to have monopoly power. This in turn will boost sales and hence profit." Woo. Just bombed Heathrow. I didn't say it so nicely, but somewhere along the line. Before the panel, I was too concerned about having the right answer, I planned and planned and asked the same questions all over again. However, I just chucked away everything when the real thing was on!
I guess I'm the sort of guy who would put up my hands in class and talk. I'm considered pretty active even by Aussie standards. Whereas, back home, I am always one of the few who will answer the questions in class, whether right or wrong (Sometimes I do get criticised for asking stupid questions). Ha ha. But well, stupid questions are much better than being stupid.
I had a CG outing last night. Caught a movie - "The Kingdom". It's about some US people finding out who' the terrorists in Saudis. Ha ha. It's quite nice. The best part was actually the first part about the history.
Yeah. Had a good rest yesterday. Going for IT1 today!
I cooked another meal a few days back. Erm. Ha ha. I made modification to my scrambled eggs. I used butter instead of olive oil and I add a lot of milk to my eggs too. I really look like McDonald's one, but I guess mine taste better, with the mushroom inside.
I had 2 kishes, 2 large hams, 2 toasts and scrambled eggs with mushroom.
At 10.23a.m. on a Wednesday morning... Facebooking.. lol.
Bryan Yee....XX
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