Sunday, October 28, 2007


Pastor Don and Adrienne are back from their holidays.
Pst Don preached a great sermon and I truly related to it.

I really would like to fly back to heart of God church for one day just to know how it's going.
Like miss everything there, truly. It will be my second month in Aussie tomorrow.

Yeah. I love everything here. I'm so grateful to God for where He has brought me to.
I want to be a blessing to everyone to the best of my abilities.
One thing that my marketing teacher said was very true and though she was just making a passing comment, it does speak a lot to those "kiasu" Singapore students. She told us that marks ain't everything, when I asked her does she get very high marks for Psychology.

She was kind of convincing. Not that I was brainwashed or what. I evaluated a little before accepting what she said. She's right. As long as we give our Best in everything we do, fear not. This is what I'm going to look at.

I'm so charmed by certain things in life. Btw, I'll be going to CCC Bridgeman Downs this weekend. Wow. The church that has songs like Miracles, Hearts Cry etc etc. ha ha. Gonna be a great week mates. I'm going to sleep NOW!


Bryan Yee....XX

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