Got my student ID, yeah look pretty cool and it's a very powerful ID. Ha ha.
Aussie is in the middle of a drought.
But it rained today - The weather forecast is accurate!! Wow.
I shall show you guys some nice photos I took while on my way home!
Ha ha. Am feeling tired now..
Should I do some laundry? or not. Ha ha. Not sure.
Taking a break at a lake. It's an offence not to wear helmet when riding a bike (Nice one!)
My bike with the lake! (The white plastic bag contains my cheese n bacon pie and it tasted awesome!)
Ha ha.
Chatted with FX when I reached home.
Talked to Eli too. She seemed to be in a rush, hence I didn't rush her, LOL!
Feeling a little tired after cycling. I think my muscles are developing. I might just slam dunk when I return the next time. ha ha.
Exercising daily is great! Ha ha. Yeah.
Miss you guys, and I miss going to school too.
Gotta do what I'm supposed to do.
I received a few emails today and it's refreshing to read some great emails from the people.
I had Dinner with the Rankins' family last night and we talked about God and church.
They are a God fearing family. God is so great to place me in such a wonderful family.
Everything they do is out from their hearts. I can see it!
Sincere and everything.
Yeah. I have their photos on one of my previous post.
They treated me like one of their own and I'm extremely grateful for that.
Sharon's pizza is really nice. Capsicun, olives, ham, cheese, tomatoes and some tomato paste. That did magic and it tasted fabulous.
Should spend my day knowing God more, and also gaining more invaluable knowledge.
E Zone will grow! I believe so.
Bryan Yee....XX
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