Tuesday, October 07, 2008


John Howard was amazing in his delivery of speech to us.
Simply breathtaking.

He was the one who supported the establishment of Bond University as the first Australian private University. I was amazed.
He was also the person who introduced Fee-Help.. Which helped Australian students to fund their education at a very low interest. Not sure about the low interest though. lol.

Anyway. His main topic was "The Battle for Global Leadership" He talked about being a leader in the global marketplace. How we should react to the Sub-Prime crisis that is happening to the US. And certainly, his views about China becoming a dominant force in the near future.

Most of us didn't have much of a chance to have a chat with him.
The main Australian media like Channel 9 were all gathered in the Cerum theatre (Yes, it was that big). John Howard even rejected an invitation to go to the Washington, US to give a speech.... And the reason is that he prefers speaking to Bond Uni students (My assumption). Although he could get MUCH more $$ out of that (:. That's partially understandable because of his OZ heritage.

The way someone from office talks is just different (Former Premier in this case). That innate sense of humour... The wisdom... and the presence he carries is just immensed. People who can't get a seat at the theatre were just standing everywhere. Ha ha. I'm lucky I did get a seat though!

I believe that the house of God should be like that, there will be people that are so hungry for the word that they are even willing to stand up for the entire service just to receive the Word of God from the Man of God.

Finally had a chance to talk to my good friend Felix. Thinks he's glad to be back. Shared our experiences in Melbourne. (:

Tty soon!

Bryan Yeeee

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