Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Legend of Yee's hand!

I have a deep scar on my hands,
no, in fact I have 2.
One of them is scratched by my cat like 5 mins ago.
One of them dated back to Sec 3. It was the artwork by one of the girls in my class(we're rather close at that time). Maybe she wanted me to remember her. We're fighting over a table and while I was about to let her win and let it go(Forget why were we fighting over a table, quite crever hor!), she pulled it with such force that the edge of the table cut my right hand and leave a scar so deep that until today, it is still quite visible when u view it at a range of 0cm
Kill that economist who came up w the idea of DD n SS.
Or shall I embrace him?
U judge!
Maths and Physics are always more livelier than u are.... However, I will try to give u my unequivocal commitment.
Ryan Cabrera's True
Planetshakers' Big!!! Zha Zha Zha Zha Zha!Down up Down up Down!

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