Friday, October 28, 2005

End oF J1, sTaRt oF J2! NeW daY..

A new StArT tO a NeW bEgInning. A'Level Chinese and PW is the last hurdle for me to go through before eMbArking on a new route iN lIfE. I'm gOnna get a C6 & abovE for Chinese. Haha.

Love to have fun aand winning souls. A lot of things happened in the course of these 3 three months when I didn't blog. Got to contact my Pri School friEnds Once again, due to technology lo. Haha, Have a Bit oF rashes nowadays here n there.

Though I score a pathetic 26 pTs in mY a'lv pts, I was able to promote. Yeah. ANyway, I'm gonna go all out and achieve what I have always dream for and not let it be a dream forever to me. I believe I can do it through Christ who gives me strength.

Sok Ee and Jason are doing great, they are my best counterpart or runners alongside me. best! Jesus is the reason I live, lIve is FuN, but Not GaMiNg tyPe of fUn. That's what i Always believe. Haha, seeing lives change is the greatest game we can ever pLay, dare to dream, pursue our goAls that God has installed for us With All Our hEaRtS!. oUr ZonE "e" also had a nEw Webbie @ haha, do visit woRx.

Today, I had school, in The morning, it Was Intensive Chinese, followed bY a ShOrt BrEak, then PW all the Way TiLl 4p.M . Bought some mAc To eat hOme. Haha.

tOmoRROW iZ a ShOrt DaY and I'm gOnNa lIve it All the Way!!! I love mY life, I will never exchange it with anybody eLse's life. Haha, enjoy every moment of It!! SOmEtImes I acTually eNjoY being alone. Walking alone in shopping mall. Haha, wEiRd HabIt though, but It's WhEre I fiNd jOy, I don't know why. Haha, thts why eVen if I do nOt haVe loRriEs of Friends, i StIll can lIve on!

Haha, fEeL LikE doing some sports As this weEk I had not run or dO any sports At All.. Haha. fEeL liKe pLayiNg a Lil basketball!! mY oLd scHooL dAeS.

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